I've cut down trees I shouldn't have. What next?
The board is very keen on maintaining the Woodlands as a community that embraces the tree scape we have. The covenants are clear on not cutting large trees without permission and a plan. But it has happened and the board has the following criteria for tree replacement, in additional to a significant fine.
The board is looking for replacement of the hardwood trees with similar hardwood trees. We require trees of 3 caliper which is a 3” diameter trunk 5’ above ground, which usually results in 15’ trees, but the caliper is the important factor. The trees are usually spaced 15’-20’ apart. Appropriate species include Red Maple, Red Oak, Sycamore, Tulip Poplar, Birch and White Oak. If a more ornamental tree is desired on the front of the property, a deciduous ornamental tree such as magnolia or dogwood would be appropriate. Each property is specific and the board is happy to work through a replacement plan with you.